
Getting started

You'll only need the following to get started:

We use the simplest most popular document database to store data, and yes, it'll be good enough for your needs.

You can host it anywhere you want - we have a container image for you to use, a Kubernetes deployment template, or you can host it on Heroku, or you can host it on your own server. It's up to you.

Deploy in the cloud (free*)

1. Create a MongoDB database
The easiest way to start is to get a free database from MongoDB Atlas. They have a generous free tier which comes with 512MB of storage. And you can get one an overview of their managed services and get started here.

2. Deploy storywise
You can choose from a whole host of options to deploy storywise. Some easy options are:

  • - free resource allowance which "includes enough usage per month to run a small full-stack app, full-time, for free"
  • - free tier (called "Individual") which comes with enough resources to run various workloads for free
  • - similar to, free tier which comes with enough resources to run various workloads for free
  • Container based - either docker or Kubernetes

not guaranteed free, since it entirely depends on how you use the free tiers of various cloud services.


Live demo:

Github repository:

Docker image:

Kubernetes deployment template:

Helm chart/charts

Docker-compose template:

Environment variables

The name of the database to be used (regardless of database type)
MONGODB_URIThe connection string to your MongoDB database.
POSTGRES_URLThe connection string to your Postgres database.
TIMESCALEDB_URLThe connection string to your TimescaleDB database.
LIBSQL_URLThe connection string to your Libsql database.
The username you want to use to log in to the admin panel.
The password you want to use to log in to the admin panel.
The base URL of your API. This is used to produce the right URLs for the tracking scripts.
NODE_ENVThe environment you're running the app in. If the environment is local, the app will be able to preserve certain features such as Hot Module Reloading.
ALLOWED_ORIGINThe origin that browsers are allowed to send requests from. This is in effect used as a CORS policy for the API which receives user activity events. Default: *

Deploy on docker-compose

One of the simpler ways to deploy storywise is via docker-compose. This could be especially useful to try it out locally.

Start by cloning the repository:

git clone [email protected]:dotmethodme/storywise.git
cd storywise

Make sure to update the environment variables in the docker-compose file with new values relevant for your setup:


Then run:

docker-compose up

Deploy on Kubernetes (helm)

You can deploy Storywise on Kubernetes using the following helm chart:

helm repo add storywise
helm repo update

helm install my-storywise storywise/storywise \
  --set \
  --set configMapData.DATABASE_NAME=demo \
  --set secretData.MONGODB_URI="mongodb://" \
  --set secretData.USERNAME=admin \
  --set secretData.PASSWORD=mysecretpassword

Deploy on Kubernetes (yaml)

You can deploy Storywise on Kubernetes using the following template: storywise/blob/main/kubernetes/everything.yaml

Start by cloning the repository:

git clone [email protected]:dotmethodme/storywise.git
cd storywise/kubernetes

Make sure to update the ConfigMap and Secret with new values relevant for your setup:


Another thing to update is the ingress address: here you want to configure the domain name that you've already setup to point to your Kubernetes cluster.

Note: if you wish to deploy in a namespace other than default, make sure to update that as well, everywhere in the yaml file

Once that's done, apply the yaml file:

kubectl apply -f everything.yaml

And that's all. The admin panel of Storywise is available at, and you can login using the credentials you configured in the steps above (USERNAME, and PASSWORD).


Instructions to embed the analytics script into your website are available under the info tab inside the storywise admin (step above):

However, generally speaking the tracking script is available at the following address:


The project is going through active development, and obviously, as you might be able to judge by the questionable quality of this article, the documentation can also be improved.

If you enjoy Storywise, and would like to help, please consider giving back to the project and contributing to either the documentation, or the core project itself.

For any queries, please contact [email protected].

Thank you!

Tech stack

Storywise is built using the following very simple and accessible technologies:

  • MongoDB
  • Node.js, Express, Typescript
  • Vue.js and Nuxt (public website)
  • Tailwind and DaisyUI

For hosting, I prefer to use Kubernetes, but you can use whatever you want. I've also included a docker-compose file, and a deployment template for Kubernetes. And I welcome any contributions for other hosting options.